Monday, November 10, 2008

It's DEAD!!!

Today has been... an interesting day. At least I was out of my house.

I didn't go to school on last Friday, so I skipped the announcement of Monday being the start of the school holidays and like the blur case that I am, I sidled coolly into school wearing SCHOOL UNIFORM whereas others were comfortably decked in their jeans and t-shirts.

At the back of my mind, something said "Oh..."

But anyways, had a fun time whistling to the tune of Coldplay's Strawberry Swing while carrying bakau logs to and fro without running out of breath. Then proceeded to clean up the scouts den!

Chi Cheng showed a nice cute little bottle souvenir with (horrified GASP!) a DEAD COCKROACH inside! wonder I was the only one not hungry after the cleaning up. After seeing that thing?!! That, that... tha...

But the whole process was fun. I proved to myself that I could sew quite decently when I mended the torn "underflap" (underwear?) of the sofa. I mean, I've gotta at least have something to redeem myself here. I can't cook, I can't bake, I can't brew good coffee, I hate washing, absolutely detest waking up early and dislike sweeping/mopping just as much.

So sewing's like... my only "housewife-liness" forte. Cool.

Then came back, rushed like a dude trying to get his very pregnant wife to the hospital before the baby slides out and bammm...landed myself in Sri Thai Restaurant for lunch with the District Governor (District 3300). It was fun, hanging out with the BOD and the others. Food wasn't anything to shout about. Wasn't even anything to talk about actually. But I was like sucking up to the District Governor, asking questions and stuff and man...he's got real bright eyes.

He can't be wearing contacts, can he?

1 comment:

~ * H R H * ~ said...

hey peng, I was here! faster put chatbox!!!