Saturday, November 15, 2008


The other day I was rummaging through my old collection of soft toys, trying to single out some for donation. The familiar sight of these old soft toys I used to cherish so much just ... gutted me.

Like. Damn.

It made me hark back to that distant phase in my life when all was fair and rosy, when everything was taken care of, when everybody actually gave me a break, when I could spill Pepsi all over my dad's trousers and get away with it.

That not-so-near phase when I knew ZILCH about s*x. Birds and the bees were literally birds and the bees. In a park. Flying around pretty flowers. Buzz buzz. Twit twit.

Now? WHOA.

Birds and the wha...?!! You don't need to finish the whole sentence to see that grin on my face. What's with me anyway? Why do I instinctively "zoom" to that thought whenever something suggestive creeps up?

Honestly I don't know. Perhaps in two years' time I'll stumble upon the answer.

For now I just have to accept the fact that whatever I have picked up can't be erased off the mind like some camera memory card.

Self-pleasure? Delete. Positions? Delete. Techniques? Delete. Sex toys? Dele...oh wait, I'll keep this in case some psycho sends me one.

Back to SOFT toys.

I used to be a huge fan of soft toys. They make nice boyfriends when you're small. Too bad I've left the whole soft-toy scene a very long time ago (which is a pity; I have the cutest plushies in town), but if you're a teen and you still adore soft toys, I guess they'll still make pretty nice boyfriends too.

1. They're ALWAYS listening to you.
2. They're ALWAYS staring at you. (It's all about eye contact, people)
3. They're not gonna talk about cars and football.
4. They're not smelly, sweaty, grimy and horny.

Sounds boring to me.

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