Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just to clear things up

It's childish how people can simply accuse others without any proof. I'm so disappointed.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you scored that A on your own or by copying. Your grades won't kill me. And I know it's natural for you all to suspect me since I'm the only Wednesday idiot there among you bunch of Friday peeps, but seriously you guys can't be THAT perasan to think that I'd bust your ass for copying.

We're 17 years old, okay. All this petty shit I have left it behind in primary school.

And c'mon, she's been teaching for 3/4 of her life. That's SOMETHING. So why can't you all just accept the fact that the woman is smarter than you?

If you are smart, people are not stupid.

So stop the accusing, cuz it's so no-life to do so.

1 comment:

john said...

wat happened? kenapa marah sangat