Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Special Day

Happy Birthday to IINDER!!!!

Have a spankin' hot birthday!! 17...time to be naughty!!! Ngiahahahahaha......

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


My hair is dry.

My eyes are dry.

My skin is dry.

My lips are dry.

When is this dryness ever gonna go away? It's almost 3 weeks now.

I need Sunsilk Leave-On conditioner.

I should not complain.

For the last time saying...


I'm not.

I just lack sleep. I need sleep. I love sleep.

Put me in bed and I can do a sleep marathon. My record is 15 hours straight. But I usually need around 8 hours to function properly the next day. Pulling late nights one after another for the whole week is like blerrrhhh.........

It's still relatively early now, about 12.10 AM, way EARY in the morning actually, and I'm supposed to be asleep but no, I'm blogging. No, I'm writing a crap post.

So for the last time, I'm not stressed. I just need sleep.

So good night.

Actually I'm just trying to convince myself that I'm not stressed. Maybe I am. But I don't know.

So Maroon 5 says,
"So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight,
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight,
Hope that things work out all right yeah..."

I hate that song.

Monday, February 23, 2009



A geeky eye-candy in front.


I'm not crapping. I'm just being ecstatic while staying secretive.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lift your hands up!

My dad is discharging tomorrow!!!

He's gotta wear a bulky arm sling for about 3 months. He can't move it at all! Poor thing, but if he ever complains I'm gonna tell him about all the nice old t-shirts he'll be able to wear once he's gotten the damn thing off. He'll be able to do jumpjacks even! Or monkey bars and the wave. Or just about anything that requires the human arm to be stretched upwards.

That includes advertising his armpits.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Pulling another late-nighter again... wah damn tired...but gotta print enough materials for English Society notice board...

My panda eyes grow... the panda part, not the eyes...

People don't sprout another eyelid for nothing unless they go for blepharoplasty, which is eyelid surgery if you ignore the impressive medical name, which I swear I will never ever undergo no matter how much I despise being single-eyelid-ed.


Sorry, stupid post.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nothing but my T-shirt


I need a break. The sight of that darn lollipop is making me squirm.

Come for ICSAS IU Day. You'll get what I mean.


I'm so stupid. I can never seem to download a proper version of Jason Mraz's I'm Yours. Every mp3 file I downloaded of that song is either cacat, acoustic, fuzzy or another wannabe destroying the song.

What's wrong with limewire these days?

And yeah, I know... the song is not just ancient, it's been played to death since August last year. Or even earlier.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Wooh, went for a debate today. Went and kicked some Sri Amanian ass. And LOST.

LOL. But never mind, treat it as debate practice.


Saw some familiar faces there. Too lazy to type out their names. Can't remember some of their names also.

The topic was SCHOOL UNIFORM SHOULD BE ABOLISHED. We got Government, which means the ugly piece of garment we wear for 5 days a week has GOT TO GO. I was the 2nd speaker, and when it was my turn to speak, my legs were like jelly. My hands were shaking a little, I fidgeted with my cue cards, fumbled a little, stuttered a little (there is just NO way I can pull off an Obama) but after settling myself, HAH, kick-ass time.

Well if we kicked so much ass, then what went wrong?

Our presentation kicked ass. Our points, on the contrary, did not.

Hmm... well it's okay. We didn't really prepare for the second round, so even if we got through, we're screwed.

But seriously wei, how come Samadians can never get the Best Speaker award? The adjudicators, the teachers, the opponents, well practically everybody in the room were like, "Your school has very good speakers" and "You are really really good" after the decision was announced, but hello?

Like Justin Timberlake sang, "She deserves the crown. But where is it now?"

I was expecting Praveen to snag the award cuz he really whacked a lot of ass. I wasn't aggressive enough, preferring to match Sri Amanians' grace (but they stuttered and fumbled a lot too) but I guess we lost out substance-wise.

What I hate about debates is the preparation process. Tedious, just tedious.

But I just love the kicking-ass part. I especially like rebutting the points they brought up. That's what happens when you enter the debate world as the third speaker. It is so much fun to demolish all the opponent's points. It's called KICKING ASS.

But then again, doing the summary is kinda fun too.

I still have yet to learn the art of manipulating the opponent's words to suit our stand, and have not mastered the skill of quick, aggressive POIs.

Oooh I love to POI! One of those little moments to kick ass.

But I malas nak pergi join another debate again lah... why can't I train the Form Fours instead?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Went to the dermatologist today (the 3rd one in my 17-year-1-month life so far), and my mother insisted to her that I should stop taking Roaccutane. Why?

1. It causes dryness to the lips, eyes, face, skin, hair and nose. (Nose?)
2. It is goddamn expensive - RM10 per pill. And I pop one per day. And it has been 7 weeks.
3. It is very harmful to the unborn baby should you get pregnant while on medication. (Not my business to get preggers anyway)
4. It is forbidden to breastfeed or donate blood while on medication.

Look, I didn't really mind all those side-effects above. I'm not paying the bill, I don't donate blood, I am in the wrong age group to start shooting babies off my ...... and all I need is lipbalm, lotion and moisturiser to handle the dryness. God know what I'll put to combat nose dryness, but never mind.

This is what it's supposed to do.

Then came that scare from Fareen, all worked up on the phone warning me about the possibility of the drug rendering me infertile. Something about cysts, fibroids, hallucinations, severe abdominal pains, can't get out of bed, psycho periods, profuse warnings by relatives and dermatologists and family gynae...

I was practically scared shitless with her voice in my ear.

Went on a googling spree, this time with the keywords "Accutane infertility" and as usual, loads of bullshit showed up. Some consoled readers with the "it's all safe" talk while some blatantly accused the drug for their infertility/impotence/erectile dysfunction/loss of libido.

Gee...why do they all have to do with sex?

Besides that, there were alleged reports on patients getting anaemia, leukaemia, muscle and joint aches, hearing impairment, blurred vision, night blindness, and tonnes of other medical conditions with bombastic medical jargon that left me blank.

But the most glaring element was that Roaccutane, or Accutane as it is widely known in the US, is most highly linked to depression and suicide. So this drug is practically depressing. Which I can really understand. The flare-ups brought about by the drug are really horrible, pushing my mild/moderate acne up to 2 notches to the severe zone.

Wow, thanks Roaccutane.

This is how it works. An initial flare-up will occur during the first 4 to 6 months, resulting in a dramatic breakout. That was what happened to me. From a cluster of pimples on my chin, it suddenly ballooned out of proportion to become PIZZA FACE.

Then from the 7th week onwards, the clearing-up process takes place. Now see that's where my problem kicked in. I'm well into my 7th week, on to completing my 2 months on Roaccutane. I haven't seen any improvements yet apart from the magical disappearance of my blackheads.

Fareen called.

"ACHTUNG!" she said.

And that's it. STOP. HALT. No more Roaccutane for me.

Instead, it's back to the old-fashioned Tetracycline. Which takes another 6 to 8 months. Goddamn it, do you know how pissed I am?!!!!

I waited patiently as pimples popped out of my face like volcanoes on the Ring of Fire for SEVEN BLOODY WEEKS and now I have to wait ANOTHER GODDAMN SIX TO EIGHT MONTHS???!!!!!!

No wonder people commit suicide.

Sitting in the dermatologist's room, hearing her go on and on about "slow and steady" almost made me want to punch her. Serious SHIT. Ever since I started on Roaccutane my mood swings have been frighteningly unpredictable. I feel happy, then sad, then optimistic, then depressed, then self-loathing, then bubbly, then flustered, then silent, then neutral, then (fill in the blank).

Now that my acne is a lot lot lot worse thanks to Roaccutane, it's gonna take an excruciatingly LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time to heal. So thinking back, maybe I should have not taken Roaccutane in the first place. Would have saved my face the pain of all those flare-ups, ridiculous amount of money (almost RM 1K there) and spared those painful 7 weeks for some other safer, steadier but slooooooooower treatment. Like Tetracycline.

Life. This is LIFE. Sigh....

My 7-year history with acne continues....

It's a serious bane to my self-esteem. Dahlah banyak body image issues, nak lagi jerawat batu. Sial betul.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm scared, but right now I can't tell you why because I'm not too sure about it.

The truth behind the thing I'm scared about, I mean. Not... being scared.

How can someone be unsure that they're scared anyway? But never mind. I'm scared witless. Thanks to Fareen. But she might just save my life by scaring me.

If I don't get too scared and die of a heart attack, that is.

Oh I'm so lame.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Deja Vu


It's just another one of those words you don't usually find in song titles. But guess what? There's...

Natasha Bedingfield's Pirate Bones
Elbow's The Bones of You
Nina Nastasia's Counting Your Bones
Teeth and Tongue's There is a Lightness to My Bones
Iron and Wine's Innocent Bones
The Killer's Bones
Robin Thicke's Lazi Bones

These tracks are all in my MP3 and heck, I even have Yeah Yeah Yeah's Show Your Bones album.

I should upload the whole season of Bones next. You know, to complete the whole package.

Another thing that fazes me is the song Take a Bow. Madonna pioneered it, moping about how her lover should win an award for his pretending. Then Rihanna took it and "put on quite a show" that "really had me going" uhuh....

Now it's Britain's current favourite darling, Leona Lewis' turn.

Really, the theme of all the three songs are the same. What's worse, they share the same name. They talk about the same thing.

Get some originality, people. Rehashing ideas is just not the real deal. That's why I love indie music. I'm so tired of listening to all those heavily-produced,mass-manufactured, coated-with-syrup tracks out there on airwaves these days.