Monday, October 12, 2009

I Killed Twin Chickens

Siamese twins.

I bet you think that it's generally for humans, eh? Well, I do (cuz I'm so ignorant most of the time)

Till I came home and saw what my mum had to show me.

Aah!!! Twin chicks!! So cute!!!!!

It was my first time seeing twin yolks in a single egg. And they were unseparated!!

Btw *ahem* I keep using "was" and "were" cuz you know, the dearies are either in my stomach or my mum's now.

Hey, I was hungry, okay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Looking at the twin-yolks just make me... owh... so adorable!

But suddenly I feel sad coz they can't be twin-chicks :(

Ok - i better go see some or your other blogs before i decide to give up eating eggs